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After recent SQL SA account is locked, regular inspection found to have a continuous error log the SQL error log
user 'sa' login failed, the reason: unable to open the specified database, [client:]
And then use fn_trace_gettable query error data, found to be constantly visit sa dllhost file, can you tell me where I can now is query to the mistakes?
Now cancel the SA password although mandatory policy won't be locked, but looked at a lot of error log is always unpleasant.
CodePudding user response:
False information are not the client: Check the program on this machineCodePudding user response:
Is to write, but the problem is this is the server, if it is good to deal with the client, big deal reshipment system,I use the following way is to check the dllhost file, but don't know dllhost how to deal with? How can I get the all the DLL file associations,
- view the system log file
SELECT * FROM sys. Traces
- read the SQL system log files, check the abnormal
The FROM fn_trace_gettable (' C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL11 MSSQLSERVER \ MSSQL \ Log \ log_34 TRC ', the default).