Home > database > For help: generally grouped by year, the year of special group according to the specified date, how
For help: generally grouped by year, the year of special group according to the specified date, how
There is a field in the table to "date", are as follows:
Date -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The 2016-2-3 The 2016-4-5 The 2017-8-9 The 2017-10-11 The 2018-3-4 ...
I know, grouped by year statistics, the statement is this:
SELECT Year (date) AS the Year,... FROM the table name . GROUP Year (date)
Demand is now, if it is average year, or the same as the above grouped by year statistics, if year=2017, shall respectively statistics before "2017-05-01" and "the end of the 2017-05-01 -" during the data of two,
Excuse me, can achieve?
CodePudding user response:
SELECT Year (date) AS the Year,... FROM the table name Where Year (date) & lt;> 2017 . GROUP by Year (date)
Union all
Select The sum (the case when the date & lt; To_date (' 2017-5-1 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) then to statistical amount value else 0), The sum (the case when the date & gt;=to_date (' 2017-5-1 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) then to statistical amount value else 0) . From the name of the table where Year=2017 (date)