A SQL statement:
Select job_id, Max (salary) highest wage
The from employees
Where commission_pct is null
Group by job_id
Having the highest salary & gt; 6000
The order by the highest wage asc;
SQL statement 2:
Select job_id, Max (salary) highest wage
The from employees
Where commission_pct is null
Group by job_id
Having Max (salary) & gt; 6000
The order by the highest wage asc;
CodePudding user response:
Where executed first, and then is GROUP, HAVINGDon't know what how the host's conclusion is based on the output of
CodePudding user response:
The where (filtering) - & gt; Select (projection) - & gt; Group by - & gt; Having - & gt; The order by, in the order from left to right,