Has been using 12.5, the recent turn in the blob string always garbled, when initially didn't find the reason, today in version 10.5 environment to run the same code, completely normal, version 12.5, and this version has a problem, I asked the great spirit answer This version of the
St_empid=trim (sle_1. Text) SELECTBLOB security_users. Passwd Into: lblb_pwd The FROM security_users The WHERE (security_users. Name=: st_empid) AND (security_users user_type=0) AND (security_users userstatus='1') Using trans_bh; Sle_2. Text=string (lblb_pwd) Sle_3. Text=f_getstr (string (lblb_pwd)) So a simple code, just below 11.5 also tested like 12.5, 10.5 no problem
CodePudding user response:
This is the result of 12.5 ran out, breakpoint debugging after take out the data on the blob string is all the code This is ran 10.5