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I double-click on the grid form a single data transmission parameters, random jump to other records


When I double-click the grid form of a single data, random jump to other lines,
AllowCellSelection=. F.
Set up a double-click my form, and pass this data to cell,
But first double-click on one line can be passed, and then double-click on the other, is the random jumping to other lines, rather than the I selected to double-click on the line,
Excuse me what's going on?
Data can be normal delivery, and then click on the regular jump to transfer data has one, or other random line,

My grid Dblcick is:
 Thisform.container2.com bo1. Value="" 
Thisform.container2.com bo2. Value=""
Thisform.container2.com bo3. Value=""
Thisform. Container2. Text1. Value=""
Thisform. Refresh

Thisform. Refresh
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