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Now a, such as SQL string concatenation problems. Thank you.


V_sql:='insert into table (billid) values ('' '| | v_billid | |' ");

The execute immediate v_sql;

The SQL can normal execution, but now there is a translation function
 create or replace function ba_bgt_fun_getelementcode (in_itemid in number, 
In_element in varchar2,
In_dbyear in varchar2)

the first one is a variable values, the second is a fixed character, and the third is a variable annual,
V_sql:="insert into table (code) values (ba_bgt_fun_getelementcode (' ' '| | v_billid | |' ' ', 'billid"', ' ' '| | v_dbyear | |' ' ')) ';

The execute immediate v_sql;

Suggest lack of expression, excuse me, where is wrong,