Select T1 F_102 as material group, T2, FName suppliers, B. the Amount as Amount The FROM AIS20190922235221. [dbo]. ICStockBill t Inner join AIS20190922235221. [dbo]. ICStockBillEntry b on T.F InterID=b. InterID INNER JOIN AIS20190922235221. [dbo]. T_ICItem t1 ON t1. FItemID=b. itemid INNER JOIN AIS20190922235221. [dbo]. T_Supplier t2 ON t2. FItemID=t.F SupplyID WHERE T.F TranType='1' Supplier, the same name, amount to merge how to write a SQL statement? Asking our great god give directions!!!!!!
CodePudding user response:
The supplier of the same, different material group, how take material set of columns of data,
Below is maximizing the material group,
Select MAX (t1. F_102) as material group, T2, FName suppliers, The SUM (b. Amount) as Amount The FROM AIS20190922235221. [dbo]. ICStockBill t Inner join AIS20190922235221. [dbo]. ICStockBillEntry b on T.F InterID=b. InterID INNER JOIN AIS20190922235221. [dbo]. T_ICItem t1 ON t1. FItemID=b. itemid INNER JOIN AIS20190922235221. [dbo]. T_Supplier t2 ON t2. FItemID=t.F SupplyID WHERE T.F TranType='1' GROUP BY t2. FName