Home > database >  SQL monthly shipment amount and amounts owed table, which is calculated in arrears.
SQL monthly shipment amount and amounts owed table, which is calculated in arrears.


Table 1 for arrears in

Table 2 for the amounts owed

Results requirements which is calculated on amounts owed arrears, in the last 12 months, not the last 12 months as historical arrears,

As balance is negative does not need to calculate

This really is a little difficult

CodePudding user response:

- build table
The create table # T
Id int,
Czdate date,
The amount int

Insert into # T values (1, '2019-06-01', 7000)
Insert into # T values (1, '2019-07-02', 8000)
Insert into # T values (1, '2019-08-11', 6000)
Insert into # T values (2, '2019-06-05', 6000)
Insert into # T values (2, '2019-05-06', 5000)
Insert into # T values (3, '2019-05-06', 5000)
Insert into # T values (3, '2019-06-07', 1000)

- build table
The create table # T2
Id int,
The amount int

Insert into # T2 values (1260), (2150), (3-5000)

Query -
Select id, amount, [01], [02], [03], [04], [05], [06], [07], [08], [09], [10], [11], [12], balances the from
The select c.i d, c.a. mount, Right (a.y m, 2) the as ym, case when c.a. mount<=0 then null else b.a mount end as val, case when c.a. mount> B.s sum then c.a. mount - b.s sum else null balance end as the from
Select number, CONVERT (varchar (6), DATEADD (month, 1 * number, GETDATE ()), 112) as ym from master. The dbo. Spt_values where type='P' and number between 0 and 5
The union
Select number, CONVERT (varchar (6), DATEADD (month, number, GETDATE ()), 112) as ym from master. The dbo. Spt_values where type='P' and number between 0 and 6
) A
Left the join
Select *, CONVERT (varchar (6), czdate, 112) as ym, SUM (amount) over (partition by id) as ssum from # T
B) on a.y m=b.y m
Right join # T2 on b.i c d=c.i d
The pivot
The sum (val)
For ym (in [01], [02], [03], [04], [05], [06], [07], [08], [09], [10], [11], [12])
) P

CodePudding user response:


- build table
The create table # T
Id int,
Czdate date,
The amount int

Insert into # T values (1, '2019-06-01', 7000)
Insert into # T values (1, '2019-07-02', 8000)
Insert into # T values (1, '2019-08-11', 6000)
Insert into # T values (2, '2019-06-05', 6000)
Insert into # T values (2, '2019-05-06', 5000)
Insert into # T values (3, '2019-05-06', 5000)
Insert into # T values (3, '2019-06-07', 1000)

- build table
The create table # T2
Id int,
The amount int

Insert into # T2 values (1260), (2150), (3-5000)

- in the last 12 months (top five, six, under the 1 month)
Select number, CONVERT (varchar (6), DATEADD (month, 1 * number, GETDATE ()), 112) as ym into # TMP from master. The dbo. Spt_values where type='P' and number between 0 and 5
The union
Select number, CONVERT (varchar (6), DATEADD (month, number, GETDATE ()), 112) as ym from master. The dbo. Spt_values where type='P' and number between 0 and 6

- prepare dynamic procession conversion
Declare @ SQL varchar (Max)='
Declare @ filed varchar (Max)='
Declare @ pivot varchar (Max)='

@ filed=@ filed + ', '+ QUOTENAME (RIGHT (ym, 2)) +' as' + QUOTENAME (RIGHT (ym, 2) + 'month'),
@ the pivot=@ pivot + ', '+ QUOTENAME (ym, 2) (RIGHT)
The from # TMP order by ym

Query -
The set @ SQL='
Select id, amount '+ @ filed +, balances the from
The select c.i d, c.a. mount, Right (a.y m, 2) the as ym, case when c.a. mount<=0 then null else b.a mount end as val, case when c.a. mount> B.s sum then c.a. mount - b.s sum else null balance end as the from
Left the join
Select *, CONVERT (varchar (6), czdate, 112) as ym, SUM (amount) over (partition by id) as ssum from # T
B) on a.y m=b.y m
Right join # T2 on b.i c d=c.i d
The pivot
The sum (val)
For ym in (' + stuff (@ the pivot, 1, 1, ' ') + ')
) P '

The exec (@ SQL)
Drop table # TMP
Drop table # T
Drop table # T2

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