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A computer communication network environment design
? Network environment: wan
? Network protocol: this site support both IPV4 and IPV6 network access
? Browser: chrome
Second, the system development platform choice (system software, the DBMS)
? Win10
? Visual Studio 2019
? Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17
Three, the system function design
? System function module division:
Because this system is an online bookstore, is similar to jingdong (such as taobao, Tmall) online shopping system, the basic module is divided into foreground and background of two parts, the front desk mainly for user requirements shall provide land registration, book display, shopping cart, my orders, such as personal information module, the background is mainly to the administrator shall provide books management, user management, order management module, and then further refine is about specific module, processing details and improve the function and eventually achieve system goals
? System function module chart:

? Module design
? System module detailed design:
This online bookstore system is designed based on B/S architecture system, the whole system can be divided into three modules (pictured) : DAL, library and Models,

? The DAL is a data access module, which contain the data access class, one of the most core is SqlHelper directly interact with the database which is responsible for, including the database connection, database to add and delete,
Invoked the SqlHelper method, such as BookService is indirectly interact with the database, responsible for specific business data processing, such as: according to the title check books, according to the user id to check the user information, such as

? Libraray is the UI module, was part of the system used for interaction, storage is the asp page

? Models is the entity module, which contain entity class, the purpose is to reflect the object-oriented thought, each corresponding to a database table with an entity class, the purpose is to make the program more readable, more expansibility and easier to maintain