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SQL statements can't run, troublesome everybody who help have a look at what is the problem


You, is to get the BXXZ as parameters control, drop-down choice strong, commercial and brush to select the corresponding data, when all the previous SQL can run, wrote after the last statement cannot run, check the statements inside the ${} is legitimate, trouble to help have a look at the question which
The select p. olicy_no, b.q BRQ, a. mz, a.s yxz, a.z _zyfs, b.b f, a.x z, a.c DRQ, a. DZT
The from ids. Fz_bdb a, ids. Fz_bfb b, ids. AUTO_NEW_PRODUCT_INFO_T c
Where Amy polumbo olicy_no=p. olicy_no
And p. olicy_no=c.p olicy_no
And b.e ndorsement_no=c.e ndorsement_no
And b.q BRQ & gt;=to_date (' ${starttime} ', '- dd yyyy - mm hh24: mi: ss')
And b.q BRQ & lt;=to_date (' ${endtime} ', '- dd yyyy - mm hh24: mi: ss')
And '${if (BXXZ=' insurance ', "a.x z in (' 11022400 ', '11026000')", the if (BXXZ='business risks, "a.x z not in (' 11022400', '11026000')", the if (BXXZ='whole', ""," 1=1 ", "0=1")))} '
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