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The stored procedure in MSSQL, change it to the oracle error


The create or replace procedure GetEmergencyList_test
BdSrc in date, date - emergency
EdSrc in date, date - emergency
Emp_sn in varchar2, - operation person
Emer_stateV in varchar2, - emergency signs (null returns all)
Dept_sn in varchar2, - emergency department
Shift_id int, in - flight (no use)
Querytype in int:=0 -- query types (0: the nurse station, 1: doctor stand)
) is
Bd date;
Ed the date;
Bd4Hour date;
The begin

Bd4Hour:=sysdate - 4/24;

If querytype & lt;> 0 then
Ed:=to_date (TO_CHAR (sysdate, 'YYYY - MM - DD) +' 23:59:59 ', '- DD YYYY - MM HH24: MI: SS');
Bd:=sysdate - 4/24;
end if;

If querytype=0 then
Ed:=to_date (TO_CHAR (edSrc, 'YYYY - MM - DD) +' 23:59:59 ', '- DD YYYY - MM HH24: MI: SS');
Bd:=to_date (TO_CHAR (bdSrc, 'YYYY - MM - DD) +' 00:00:00 ', '- DD YYYY - MM HH24: MI: SS'); - is set to the nurse station queries all day
end if;

Select * from (
Amy polumbo _id, - the patient id
A.t imes,,
The Times ofA. - "NUMBER", the queue NUMBER
A.e mer_id - emergency id
A.o perator_date as emer_date - triage time
A. d. ept_sn - triage department
A.e mer_state - emergency sign
Arjun an_grade - condition classification
A.o perator, - triage person number
A.o perator_date - save time
A.n otice_dept, notify the department
A.n otice_date - notice
A. d. octor_sn, - the doctor number
Dr. Isit_date - time
A.o bserved_bd - under observation start time
A.o bserved_ed - under observation end time
B.a ddress, - patients address
B.o utpatient_id - patient id
B.t elephone, phone - patients
B.r eg_id - registered id
Biggest ode_no - patient number
B.i d_card, id -
B.b irthday, birthday - patients
B.n ame, - the patient name
B.n ame as patientname, - the patient name
C.d ept_name - triage unit name
D.r oom_name, see a doctor, department name
E.o pera_name - founder name
(select doctor_name from dic_organization_doctor where querytype=0 and doctor_code=a. d. octor_sn) doctor_name, - doctors name
To_date (TO_CHAR (a.o perator_date, 'YYYY - MM - DD) +' 00:00:00 ', '- DD YYYY - MM HH24: MI: SS') yymmdd, queue date -
ROUND (TO_NUMBER (operator_date - sysdate) * 24 * 60) as dmin, short time (points)
Case b.s ex when '1' then 'male' when '2' then 'female' else 'pending' end sex, sex
- cast (null as varchar (5)) as visit_flag
, (select visit_flag from mz_visit
Where visit_dept in (' a1201 ', 'a1202', 'a1221', 'a1222) and visit_date & gt;=bd4Hour
And Amy polumbo _id=p_id and a.t imes=times) as visit_flag
- cast (null as varchar (5)) as patient_type
, (select patient_type from mz_visit
Where visit_dept in (' a1201 ', 'a1202', 'a1221', 'a1222) and visit_date & gt;=bd4Hour
And Amy polumbo _id=p_id and a.t imes=times) patient_type

The from bk_emergency a
Left the join bk_patient b on Amy polumbo _id=b.o utpatient_id
Left the join dic_organization_dept c on a. d. ept_sn=c.d ept_code
Left the join dic_organization_dept_room d on a.n otice_dept=d.r oom_no
Left the join bk_users e on a.o perator=e.o pera
A. d. ept_sn=dept_sn
And (Anderson, send=0 or (emer_stateV='have visits and querytype=0 and a.e mer_date between bd and Ed))
And a.e mer_state & lt;> 'cancelled'
And ((case when emer_state & lt;> 'hospital and observed_bd is not null then 0 else 1 end)=1)
emer_stateV='hospital and not (observed_bd is null or observed_ed is not null)
Emer_stateV='has triage'
(querytype=0 and not (emer_date & lt; Bd or emer_date & gt; Ed))
Emer_state in (' triage ', 'have informed', 'seeing')
The when emer_state='has informed the and notice_date & gt; Dateadd (n - 30, getdate (), then 1
The when emer_state='has triage and not (emer_date & lt; Bd or emer_date & gt; Ed) then 1
The when emer_state='service in then 1
The else 0
Emer_state='have visits and emer_state=' has doctor '
The when querytype=1 and (doctor_sn=emp_sn and emer_date & gt; Convert (varchar (10), getdate () - 1121)) then 1
The when querytype=0 then 1
The else 0
(a.e mer_state=emer_stateV)
) t
(case when querytype=0 and emer_state='has to see a doctor and not (emer_date between bd and Ed) then 0
The else 1
The order by emer_date;

End GetEmergencyList_test;

- SELECT TO_CHAR (sysdate, 'YYYY - MM - DD) FROM dual;

These places error, can not use the grammar of the variable name=constant?

CodePudding user response:

Emer_stateV='hospital' and not (observed_bd is null or observed_ed is not null)
All these syntax error
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