This is the code
The clear
X=[]; % users enter the input matrix X
Y=[]; Y % users enter the input matrix
N=size (X ', 1); M=size (X, 1); S=size (Y, 1); % of the following is the first round of linear programming, self evaluation
A=[-x 'Y']; B=zeros (n, 1);
LB=zeros (m + s, 1); UB=[];
For I=1: n
Aeq=[X (: I) 'zeros (1 s)];
F=[zeros (1, m) - Y (: I) '];
W (:, I)=linprog (f, A, b, Aeq, beq, LB, UB);
E (I, I)=Y (: I) * w (m + 1: m + s, I);
For k=1: n
F=[zeros (1, m) Y (:, k) '];
Aeq=[X (: k), 'zeros (1 s), E (I, I) * X (: I)' - Y (: I) '];
Beq=[1; 0];
V=linprog (f, A, b, Aeq, beq, LB, UB);
E (I, k)=(Y (:, k) '* v (m + 1: m + s))/(X) (:, k' * v (1: m)); % cross efficiency values obtained Eik