Until the recent review to the data structure, summarize the didn't understand what's the worst, the best, an average of time complexity
Every time just to find data in the data first, namely each number just check again, into the O is expressed as O (1)
The bad:
Just at the end of the data of data to find at a time, a number that is the first to check n times, the second to check n - 1 time, to look up n - two, third, and so on, the last one to find a can, accumulate the is (1 + n) n/2, where each number on average to find (1 + n)/2 times, to O to O (n),
Average (that is, the weighted average) :
This hasn't been read before, now a simple sum up, if an array with n position, each position is just the data you want to check the probability is 1/(1 + n) , (there are n n data, plus a check number is not in the data given by),
The ball check number, check each position to make a few times, obviously, the first location to check 1 time to arrive, the second position to check 2 times to arrive, and the third position check arrive 3 times,,,,,,, check n times to reach the NTH position, a total of 1 + 2 + 3 +,,, + n
Each number on average to find 1/(1 + n) * (1 + 2 + 3 +... N) books n (n + 3)/(n + 1), 2 into O, remove the low order term is O (n),