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A 64 - bit SQL DBF problem


Dear leaders,
I system is a 64 - bit Windows server 2012 r2 server computer, with 2016 enterprise edition in 64 - bit SQL, office is 64, but I just don't succeed, guide DBF
 - A: 
Select * from OPENDATASOURCE (' Microsoft. Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0 ', 'Data Source="? D: \ MosesFiles \ jsgy "; Extended properties=dBase 5.0 ')... Cidd_hn1_indiv
- unable to create the link server "(null)" OLE DB access interface ". Microsoft Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0 "instance,

- B:
Select * from OPENROWSET (' MICROSOFT. JET. The OLEDB. 4.0 ', 'dBase IV; HDR=NO. IMEX=2; The DATABASE=? D: \ MosesFiles \ jsgy \ ', 'select * from cidd_hn1_indiv. DBF')
- unable to create the link server "(null)" OLE DB access interface ". MICROSOFT JET. The OLEDB. 4.0 "instance,

- C:
Select * from OPENROWSET (' MICROSOFT. JET. The OLEDB. 4.0 ', 'dBase III; HDR=NO. IMEX=2; The DATABASE=D: \ MosesFiles \ jsgy \ ', 'select * from cidd_hn1_indiv. DBF')
- unable to create the link server "(null)" OLE DB access interface ". MICROSOFT JET. The OLEDB. 4.0 "instance,

- D:
Select * from openrowset (' MSDASQL ', 'Driver=Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver; SourceType=DBF; SourceDB=D: \ MosesFiles \ jsgy \ ', 'select * from cidd_hn1_indiv. DBF')
- link server "(null)" OLE DB access interface "MSDASQL" returned message "[Microsoft] [ODBC driver manager] did not find the data source name and did not specify a default driver",
- unable to initialize the link server "(null)" OLE DB access interface "MSDASQL" data source object,

Select * from opendatasource (' VFPOLEDB. 1 ', 'Data Source=D: \ MosesFiles \ jsgy \; Collating Sequence=MACHINE ')... Cidd_hn1_indiv
- unable to create the link server "(null)" OLE DB access interface "VFPOLEDB. 1" instance,

CodePudding user response:

DBF is contained in the datasource, not select enter

CodePudding user response:

I'm on a 32-bit system of D and E the two things can query
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