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How can you make the window toolsbar wide a little


I need a lot of toolsbar, because users are the elderly, too look down upon,

Another question is, how to prohibit drag the toolbar

CodePudding user response:

1, will be saved in the following content. Sru file, then import PBL
 $PBExportHeader $uo_toolbarfont. Sru 
Global type uo_toolbarfont from nonvisualobject
End type
End forward

Global type uo_toolbarfont from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
End type

The type as
The function long FindWindowExA (long hParent, long hChildAfter, String lpszClass, String lpszWindow) Library "user32. DLL
"The function long GetWindowLongA (long hWnd, integer index) Library "user32. DLL
"The function long FN_ToolBarSetFont (long unknown, string fontname, long fontsize, long unknown1, string STR) library "pbvm90. DLL
End as

The type variables

End the variables

Forward as
The public function integer of_gettoolbarhandle (window aw_frame)
Public subroutine of_settoolbarfont (window aw_frame, string as_fontname, integer ai_fontsize, string as_extent)
End as

The public function integer of_gettoolbarhandle (window aw_frame); Long ll_NULL, ll_hwndToolBar
String ls_ClassName, ls_WindowName
The Environment lEnv

IF IsValid (aw_Frame) AND (GetEnvironment (lEnv)=1) THEN
CHOOSE a CASE lEnv. PBMajorRevision
Case 7
Case 8
Case 9
Case 11
SetNull (ls_WindowName)
SetNull (ll_NULL)
(aw_Frame ll_hwndToolBar=FindWindowEXA (Handle), ll_NULL, ls_ClassName, ls_WindowName)
END the IF

RETURN ll_hwndToolBar

End the function

Public subroutine of_settoolbarfont (window aw_frame, string as_fontname, integer ai_fontsize, string as_extent); Long ll_hwndToolBar, ll_unknown
Ll_hwndToolBar=of_GetToolBarHandle (aw_frame)
If ll_hwndToolBar & gt; 0 then
Ll_unknown=GetWindowLongA (ll_hwndToolBar, 0)
//ll_unknown=GetWindowLongA (ll_hwndToolBar - 21)//PB11
FN_ToolBarSetFont (ll_unknown, as_fontname ai_fontsize, 0, as_extent)
End the if

End subroutine

On uo_toolbarfont. The create
Call super: : create
TriggerEvent (this, "constructor")
End on

On uo_toolbarfont. Destroy
TriggerEvent (this, "destructor")
Call super: : destroy
End on

The event constructor;/*
The window of an MDI window variable declaration declared in the
//large font toolbar
Uo_toolbarfont iuo_toolbarfont
In the event of an open call:
Iuo_toolbarfont. Of_settoolbarfont (this, 'song typeface, and 12, "1234567")
End the event

In the event of an mdi main window of the open, write
 uo_toolbarfont luo_toolbarfont 
Luo_toolbarfont. Of_settoolbarfont (this, 'song typeface, - 36,' 1 ')

CodePudding user response:

2, the attributes of the object in the application of the page the Toolbar TAB, will ToolbarUserControl option cancel the check

CodePudding user response:

Uo_toolbarfont luo_toolbarfont
Luo_toolbarfont. Of_settoolbarfont (this, 'Arial, - 36,' 11 ')

Runtime error, I am using pb6.5. This method only support pb9?

The original concept Application execution Error (R0014)
The Application terminated

Error: Error opening Dll library pbvm90. Dll for external function at lin6 in function of _settoolbalfont object uo_toolbarfont.

CodePudding user response:

Pbvm90. DLL
Into a corresponding DLL pb6.5
Is pbvm65. DLL or pbvm60. DLL

CodePudding user response:

This should mean, attached the DEMO consult:
http://www.sybasebbs.com/forum.php? Mod=viewthread& Tid=4080 & amp; Extra=page % 3 d3

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

To pbvm60. DLL, there is no problem, but I didn't get a big toolsbar.

I want a big toolsbar, large mark, this method can? How to do?

CodePudding user response:

The up...

CodePudding user response:

Do it himself

CodePudding user response:

Make a right, use poup window, make a
Or I made a class

Careful, not difficult also

CodePudding user response:

Can you explain it said about how to do? No idea!

CodePudding user response:

MARK the
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