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MyUtil statement program convert utf-8 to tomcat with iso - 8859-1 to read simple and easy to code


Package utils;

Import the Java. IO. UnsupportedEncodingException;

Public class MyUtil {
Public static String toUnicode (String s)
If (s==null | | s.e quals (" ")) {
Return s="";
Try {
S=new String (s.g etBytes (" iso - 8859-1 "), "utf-8");
//convert utf-8 to tomcat
} the catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
S=""; e.printStackTrace();

Return s;

Public static int toInt (String s)//String overall
If (s==null | | s.e quals (" ")) {
int i=0;
Try {
I=Integer. ParseInt (s);
} the catch (Exception e)
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