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Help leaders to help me solve the SQL


This is to write SQL statements, regardless of the value to 10, 30 the s.s id, s.u name is 1 and the data from ha ha this how to write

For bosses to help me to solve!

CodePudding user response:

Where a and after s.s id=1 ~ ~ ~

CodePudding user response:

The create table # course
Cid int,
Cname char (10)
Insert into # course
Select 10, 'Chinese' union all
Select 20, 'mathematics' union all
The select 30, 'English'

The create table # student
Sid int,
Uname char (10)

Insert into # student
Select 1, 'ha ha' union all
Select 2, 'hey' union all
Select 3, 'ha ha'

The create table # sc
Sid int,
Cid int,
Score int

Insert into # sc
Select 1,10,88 union all
Select 1,20,89 union all
Select 1,30,90 union all
Select 2,20,100 union all
Select 2,30,89 union all
Select 2,10,99 union all
Select 3,20,100 union all
Select 3,30,100 union all
Select 3,10,67

Select s. *,, dc name, a.s core, da vg_score, d.m ax_score # from student s left join a on s.s id=a.s id # sc
Left the join
The select a.c id, Arthur c. name, avg (a.s core) as avg_score, Max (a.s core) as max_score from a left join # course c # sc on a.c id=Arthur c. id
Group by a.c id, Arthur c. name
) d on a.c id=, dc id
Where s.s id=1

Sid uname cname score avg_score max_score
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1 ha ha Chinese, 88, 84, 99
1 ha ha mathematics, 89, 96, 100
1, 90, 93, 100 ha ha English

(3 rows affected)


CodePudding user response:

Select the sid=1, uname='ha ha' the from student

CodePudding user response:

If object_id (' tempdb for.. # # course ') is not null drop table course
The create table # course
(cid int, cname nvarchar (50))
Insert into # course
Select 10, 'Chinese' union all
Select 20, 'mathematics' union all
The select 30, 'English'

If object_id (' tempdb for.. # # student ') is not null drop table student
The create table # student
(sid int, uname nvarchar (50))

Insert into # student
Select 1, 'ha ha' union all
Select 2, 'hey' union all
Select 3, 'ha ha'

If object_id (' tempdb for.. # # ') sc is not null drop table sc
The create table # sc
(sid int, cid int, score int)

Insert into # sc
Select 1,10,88 union all
Select 1,20,89 union all
Select 1,30,90 union all
Select 2,10,99 union all
Select 2,20,100 union all
Select 2,30,89 union all
Select 3,10,67 union all
Select 3,20,100 union all
Select 3,30,100

, for each of the query subjects, the highest, average score, the result of the best students
Select t. *,
Stuff (select distinct ', '+ b.u name from # sc a inner join # student b on a.s id=b.s id where t. high score=a.s core and tc id=a.c id for XML path ('')), 1, 1, ' ') as the student name
The from (
The select Arthur c. id, Arthur c. name, Max (score) as the highest, avg (score) as average
The from # sc s
Left the join # course c on s.c id=Arthur c. id
Group by Arthur c. id, Arthur c. name
) t
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