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Directing the kernel source design implementation/performance tuning/operational best practice - eac


Because of a previous article, up to an extra three reply, the new pieces, list as follows:

First: directing a particular scenario tens of times the performance optimization practices (a mongo core cluster avalanche breakdown)
Article 2: commonly used high concurrency network thread model design and directing a thread model optimization practice
Article 3: directing network transmission processing source implementation and performance tuning - experience the kernel performance acme design
Article 4: millions of high concurrency mongo cluster tens of times the performance optimization practices (last)
Article 5: millions of high concurrency mongo cluster tens of times the performance optimization practices (next)
Article 6: why to open source kernel mongo database to do secondary development
Article 7: directing network transmission processing source implementation and performance tuning - experience the kernel performance acme design
Article 8: directing the kernel source code implementation, performance tuning, and the best operational practice series - directing a network transmission layer source module 2
Article 9: directing the kernel source code implementation, performance tuning, and the best operational practice series - directing a network transport layer module source code to achieve three
https://editor.csdn.net/md/? ArticleId=109249125
Article 10: directing the kernel source code implementation, performance tuning, and the best operational practice series - directing a network transport layer module source code to achieve four
https://editor.csdn.net/md/? ArticleId=109249141
Article 11: directing the kernel source code implementation, performance tuning, and the best operational practice series -command command processing module source code to achieve a
https://editor.csdn.net/md/? ArticleId=110386694
Article 12: directing the kernel source code implementation, performance tuning, and the best operational practice series -command command processing module source code to achieve.
https://editor.csdn.net/md/? ArticleId=110386729,
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