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Consult everybody, use mybatis call oracle stored procedure, how to match the OUT types of nested ta


Such as I have an OUT type stored procedure parameters of nested tables, as shown in figure

Nested table definition:
 CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE array_context IS TABLE OF varchar2 (100); 

Then use mybatis calls, XML code is:
 & lt; Select id="querySQL" statementType="CALLABLE parameterType"="Java. Util. HashMap" & gt; 
Call proc_querysql (
# {querySQL, mode=IN, jdbcType=VARCHAR},
# {resultList mode=OUT, jdbcType=ARRAY}

Service code for:
 Map Params=new HashMap (a); 
Params. Put (querySQL, SQL);
QuerySQLDao. QuerySQL (params);

But every time I called, why always quote: Cause: Java, SQL. SQLException: ORA - 06553: PLS - 306: wrong number or types of the arguments in the call to 'PROC_QUERYSQL error? Don't mybatis can't use nested tables parameters?
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