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The great spirit of Sql statements, look at the quick more accord with the actual needs


This is in and directly linked list, which is more suitable, tc_cec_file can add in those days the time range, 2, 3, ten thousand data

The select tc_cecplant, count (distinct tc_cec016) from tc_cec_file where tc_cec016
In (select ta_oea036
The from sf001 azt_file, sf001 oea_file, sf001. Gea_file, sf001. Oga_file
Where oeaplant=azt01
And oea01=oga16
And azt05=gea01 (+)
And ogaconf='Y'
And oga01 not in (select oha16 from oha_file where ohaud21='1' and ohaconf='Y' and oha55='1')
And ogaud21='1'
AND oeaconf='Y' AND ta_oea042='Y' AND oea01 like '411%'
And oga02 between to_date (' 20190401 ', 'yyyymmdd') and to_date (' 20190412 ', 'yyyymmdd'))
And tc_cec064='3'
Group by tc_cecplant

The select tc_cecplant, count (distinct tc_cec016) from tc_cec_file, oga_file, azt_file, oea_file
Where oeaplant=azt01
And oea01=oga16
And ogaconf='Y'
And oga01 not in (select oha16 from oha_file where ohaud21='1' and ohaconf='Y' and oha55='1')
And ogaud21='1'
AND oeaconf='Y' AND ta_oea042='Y' AND oea01 like '411%'
And oga02 between to_date (' 20190301 ', 'yyyymmdd') and to_date (' 20190331 ', 'yyyymmdd')
And ta_oea036=tc_cec016
And tc_cec064='3'

the and oea01 like '411%'AND oeaconf='Y'
AND ta_oea042='Y'
Group by tc_cecplant
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