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Dream database installation, instance management and graphical administration tool


One, for the dream database installation
1, check the related information
[root @ DMQL opt] # df -h
[root @ DMQL opt] # free -m
[root @ DMQL opt] # cat/proc/meminfo
[root @ DMQL opt] # cat/proc/cpuinfo

Work shop 2, modify the file (temporary) :
/root @ dameng ~ # ulimit -n
/root @ dameng ~ # ulimit -n 65536
Set the file open for restart (permanent) : vim/etc/security/limits. Conf
Dmdba soft nofiles 10240
Dmdba hard nofiles 65536

3, mount dm software iso image:
Chmod 755/opt/dm8_setup_rh7_64_ent_8 1.1.88 _20200629. Iso
[root @ dameng dm] # mkdir -p/MNT/dm
[root @ dameng dm] # mount/opt/dm8_setup_rh7_64_ent_8 1.1.88 _20200629. Iso/MNT/dm
Planning and installation path
[root @ dameng dm] # mkdir/dm8
Planning and installation of user groups and user
Groupadd - g 1002 dinstall
Useradd -u dinstall m - d - 1002 - g/home/dmdba -s/bin/bash dmdba
Chown dmdba: dinstall/dm8
[root @ DMQL opt] # passwd dmdba
4, graphical interface Settings
[root @ DMQL opt] # the xhost +
The access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
[root @ DMQL opt] # echo $DISPLAY
5, switch user
[root @ DMQL opt] # su - dmdba
[dmdba @ DMQL ~] $export DISPLAY=: 1
6, the database install
[dmdba @ DMQL dm] $./DMInstall bin


# mv/dm8/bin/DmServiceTEST. Service/usr/lib/systemd/system/DmServiceTEST. Service
# systemctl enable DmServiceTEST. Service
# systemctl start DmServiceTEST. Service
In the console mode changes (changes the root, note: don't mix)
[root @ DMQL dm8] # systemctl stop DmServiceTEST
[root @ DMQL dm8] # systemctl start DmServiceTEST)

[dmdba @ DMQL ~] $vi. Following
The export PATH=$PATH:/dm8/bin
The export PATH=$PATH:/dm8/tool

Second, the database instance management
1, database state
Shutdown: closed
Mount: configuration state
Open: database Open state, foreign service
Suspend: pending state
2, the database state switch
Shutdown - mount
Shutdown - open
The Mount - open
The Open - mount (oracle does not support)
Suspend - open
The Open - suspend
The Open - shutdown
Suspend state can query, can't write

3, database startup
Shutdown - mount
According to dm. Ini parameters in the configuration file is allocating memory, start the background process or thread, find the control file and open the control file,
The mount - open
According to the control file open all the data files and redo log files, check whether the database in a consistent state,
Database to start closing
Three, for dream database management tool
1, disq
[dmdba @ localhost bin] $./disql sysdba/Dameng123:5236
Tool quite so oracle up sqlplus/nolog
[dmdba @ localhost tool] $./disql
Disql V8
SQL> Select the status $from v $instance;
Not connected
SQL> Conn sysdba/Dameng123:5236
2, the manager
[dmdba @ localhost tool] $./manager

3, the console
[dmdba @ localhost tool] $./console
To view and modify parameter
Do cold standby and restore

4, DTS migration tool

5, performance monitoring tools to monitor

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