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Small white for help, why sequel pro no response in a minute


Mysql version is 8.0.22, sequel pro is 1.1.2
Because can't open SQL file to this post, so tried to use the test build version:

https://blog.csdn.net/zt15732625878/article/details/83388468? Ops_request_misc=% 257 b % 2522 request 2522% % 255 fid % 253 a 2522% % 2522% % 2522160795152319725222475645% % 2522 SCM 252 c 253 a % 252220140713.130102334 PC % 255 fall. The 2522% % 257 d & amp; Request_id=160795152319725222475645 & amp; Biz_id=0 & amp; Utm_medium=distribute. Pc_search_result. None - task - blog - 2 ~ all ~ first_rank_v2 ~ rank_v29-1-83388468. First_rank_v2_pc_rank_v29 & amp; Utm_term %=encounter an unexpected % % 20 20 20 error & amp; SPM=1018.2118.3001.4449

But this version after I import the SQL file, if there is no operation for a period of time, want to run the command again, there is no reaction, need to restart the sequel pro,
Have bosses know what to do ah
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