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Elasticsearch each data for calculating dynamic keyword occurrences, and according to the formula to


SS=0.3 IFNorm. + 0.4 [(0.6 K - NAMENorm. + 0.4 K - ABSTRACTNorm.) the average] average

0.3 (CA - NAMENorm. 0.6 + 0.4 * CA - ABSTRACTNorm.) the average
Among them:
IFNorm., journal impact factor (normalized), currently 3-0 to boundaries, super 3 according to the 3 processing
K - NAMENorm. Does it include keywords in the title name (as well as the keyword contains relative term), contains no contain 0 to 1,
K - ABSTRACTNorm. In this paper, the key words (and the key words include relative term) occurrence frequency, current boundaries by 0 to 10, over 10 by 10 processing
CA - NAMENorm., included in the title name classifier (to add the final keyword), contains no contain 0 to 1,
CA - ABSTRACTNorm., the frequency, the classifier in the 0-10 to limit, over 10 by 10 processing

(1) is a parallel relationship between keywords; Key words need to meet at the same time;
(2) classifier is
or the relationship between
Key words deep carbonate,,,
Correlative high temperature and high pressure, the ordovician dolomite, limestone,,,
Classification of words, the theory of + + model,,,
The experiment,,,
Experiment, practice, application effect, the scene,,,
Algorithm steps:
(1) based on deep retrieval contains title and abstract, so as to determine coefficient, and then use deep [] clausal structure, judgment run once respectively, namely: run deep [], [] of high temperature and high pressure, the ordovician respectively in retrieval contains title and abstract, so as to determine coefficient of three times of arithmetic average
(2) the result of the judgment in line with the keywords (deep), [carbonate], [dolomite], [limestone] whether the title and abstract contains judgment, take three arithmetic average
(3) based on the theory of [], [principle], [model] to retrieve the title and abstract contains, thus determine coefficient, operation results, on average,
(4) based on [the experiment] retrieval contains title and abstract, so as to determine coefficient of
(5) based on [test], [practice], [results], [the] retrieval contains title and abstract, so as to determine coefficient of
6. The above results to the formula, take (1) and (2) the average
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