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RestHighLevelClient7 elasticsearch5 operation type, how to set?


Project is used in the client RestHighLevelClient7, double data source configuration operation elasticsearch5 respectively, elasticsearch7, the biggest difference between the two versions is type parameters;
Elasticsearch5 under a index can have multiple type, and elasticsearch7 cannot set type, the default _doc;
In the use of GetRequest rquest=new GetRequest (index, the type, id) query a single document without problems
The method GetResponse response=RHLC. Get (rquest, RequestOptions. DEFAULT)
Returns the correct results

In setting type can have a problem when using the query SearchReques
The SearchRequest SearchRequest=new SearchRequest ();
The searchRequest. Indices (" index ");
The searchRequest. Types (" type ");//the method has been out of date, but I don't know how to set up the type

The SearchResponse response=restHighLevelClient. Search (searchRequest, RequestOptions. DEFAULT);

The exception thrown
{" error ": {" root_cause" : [{" type ":" illegal_argument_exception ", "" reason" : "request/index/type/_search contains unrecognized parameters: [ccs_minimize_roundtrips], [ignore_throttled]"}], "type" : "illegal_argument_exception", "" reason" : "request/index/type/_search contains unrecognized parameters: [ccs_minimize_roundtrips], [ignore_throttled]"}, "status" : 400}
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