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Front end day 1 clock in learning


1. Vscode operation 1) click the "enlarge button", input Chinese, after the installation is complete restart vscode, CTRL + shift + p - & gt; Configure the display language - & gt; 打开locale.json将"en"改成"zh-CN"2)"文件"--"首选项"--设置3)插件:view in browser open in browser4)快捷键: alt+b 使用默认浏览器打开 shift+alt+向下箭头 向下复制一行 shift+alt+向上箭头 向上复制一行 alt+向下箭头 向下移动 shift+tab 向前移动 ctrl+z 回退一步2.浏览器及内核Chrome谷歌: 特点--简洁,快捷,安全 内核--webkit,Blink 费用--收费Firefox火狐--Mozilla公司 特点:非盈利,Gecko项目开源 内核:GeckoSaffari苹果:苹果公司 特点:移动端 内核:webkitOpera欧朋:挪威 opear software ASA 特点:自主研发presto内核 内核:presto,blinkIE:Microsoft 特点:IE和windows系统捆绑推向市场 内核:trident1)使用trident内核的IE,及一些国产浏览器2)使用Gecko内核的Mozilla Firefox火狐--Mozilla公司3)使用blink内核的chrome,Opera欧朋4)使用webkit内核的Safari,chrome,及一些国产的双核浏览器3.前端页面的构成 HTML--超文本标记语言 Hypertext Markup Lanuage,结构层 结构层由HTML标记语言创建的,负责页面语义 CSS--层叠样式表 cascading style sheets,样式层或表现层 表现层组要是负责页面的样式 javaScript--脚本语言,行为层 行为层主要是负责描述页面的动态效果 4.什么是HTML? HTML is a hypertext markup language, HTML is to use tags to describe the web page of a language, HTML is a simple syntax, language structure clearly 5. HTML documents - web extension: the format of the HTML file name: the main file name. The extension 6. HTML tag syntax: tag, tags, elements of HTML tags: surrounded by Angle brackets keywords list tags: & lt; Tag name/& gt; , & lt; Tag name & gt; Double label: & lt; Tag name & gt; [content] [content]
Features: by default width is 100%, highly adaptive by default; Independent in other tags: 4) br tags: mandatory don't generate new paragraph tags - a line of grammar: a new line & lt; Br/& gt; Or & lt; br> 5) hr tags: horizontal line tag syntax: & lt; Hr/& gt; Or & lt; Hr> Features: the default built-in spacing, bringing border line level markup: text formatting markup - 6) span tags: universal label, is used to distinguish the style, the double label 7) tags: b is an entity, used to render text bold effect of 8) strong tags: is a semantic labels, strengthen the semantic characters, used to represent important text in the text appear in bold effect, 9) I tags: definition and other parts of the different part of the text, this part will be presented in italics, no special semantic 10) em tags: used to present was emphasized text, presented in the text italic effect 11) sub tag: used to define the subscript 12) sup tag: used to define superscript 13) del tags: define strikethrough line level markup features: by default the width of the adaptive, highly adaptive by default, by default horizontally (inline elements will be arranged accordingly in the same line, until a row row, will wrap) line block-level tags: 14) img tags: image tag syntax: & lt; Img SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/picture path" title="when hovering the prompt information" Alt="image placeholder" & gt;
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