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About the XAMPP installation and problem


XAMPP (Apache + PHP + MySQL + PERL) is a powerful build XAMPP software integrated software package, this package is the name of original LAMPP, but in order to avoid misunderstanding, the latest of several versions of renamed XAMPP, it can be on Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X under the operating system, including installation, support for multiple languages: English, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean, Russian, Japanese, etc.,
Before installation, please first solve the problem of version, do not install error

1, (version problem, based on the system digits installation, have VC runtime, lack of runtime cannot be launched)

2, all the installation process, do not need to how much, is already installed related services can choose their own

3, (running choose America save)

4, (do not hurry to start, choose configuration parameters, the HTTP. Conf modification on port 8000, port error prone,)

5, (click config, hit all start the service, is to run the software starts)

6, open the browser input "" and press enter, if meet the XAMPP welcome page, said the Apache work, Enjoy!

Error screen:
XAMPP Apache unable to start the reason 1 (lack of vitamin c runtime) :
Now that they had found the problem, it is easy to solve, to the Microsoft download center search download and install a Microsoft Visual c + + runtime installation package,

XAMPP Apache reason 2 is occupied (port 80) could not be started:
The most common cause of this is unable to start the Apache service, such as thunderbolt P2P software will occupy 80 port, generally after closing the software can be launched, if you have need can also start the XAMPP to open after the software,
If unable to determine which programs are to take up the port 80, you can find out according to the following method:
1, open the "start menu", click "run" - type "CMD" open a command line window, enter inside "netstat - ano" command and press enter (does not contain double quotation marks, in order to prevent the input error, you can directly copy with the right mouse button to paste),
2, after the run command, will show a series of port usage, "" to find the corresponding PID process identifier, record, use, such as
3, the right mouse button click on the desktop task bar, open the Windows task manager, in the "view" - "select column" tick "PID (process identifier)" sure, you can see every program using the port status, combining with the above to 80 port corresponding PID process identifier, can determine which program occupies 80 port, to shut down the program advice from the software interface first closed, if can't find the software interface to shut down, but the right mouse button to end the process directly,
If you don't want to bother, also can modify the XAMPP does not use port 80 to use other, modify method: open the XAMPP installation directory, modify \ apache \ conf \ HTTPD conf file, find the following two sentences, amend the port to 8081 or other,
Listen to 80
ServerName localhost: 80
XAMPP Apache could not be started 3 is occupied (port 443) :
This situation is rare, it would take a port 443 program is not much, XAMPP start in addition to the need to port 80, and a SSL module loading port 443, if you meet the port 443 was taken, there are three ways to solve, respectively is:
1, screening port occupy program, shut down and start XAMPP (see above) screening method,
2, modify the XAMPP SSL module USES the port number, modify method: open the XAMPP installation directory, modify \ apache \ conf \ extra \ HTTPD - SSL. The conf file, found 443 that Listen, change port 443 to 4433, or other,
3, if you do not use the Apache HTTPS, also can close off the SSL module, the method is as follows: open the XAMPP installation directory, modify \ Apache \ conf \ HTTPD conf file, find the Include "conf/extra/HTTPD - SSL. Conf" this sentence, it commented out,
XAMPP Apache can't start the reason 4 (closed mod_perl module) :
If the Apache service start and then automatically shut down, so you can try to run the xampp_start XAMPP installation directory. Exe program files, the closing of mod_perl module,

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