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Why the IIS after upgrading the access database access is not successful?


The following code in ali cloud with Windows 2003 server IIS virtual host system under normal operation, but the win 7 and win 10 IIS cannot perform inside! Server support asp!

'the database link is established, and set skip continue
when you make a mistakeOn the Error Resume Next: Err. Clear
Set the Conn=Server. CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
Conn. Open the Application (" _Conn2 ")

'read already registered
the number of total accessThe set rs16=server. Createobject (" adodb. You ")
Sql16="select * from top 1 OnLine order by ID DESC"
Rs16. Open sql16, conn, 1, 1
While not rs16. Eof
Application. The Lock ()
Application (" _OnTotal ")=rs16 (" OnTotal ")
Application. UnLock ()
Rs16. MoveNext
Rs16. Close: set rs16=nothing

'close the database link and end
Conn. Close: set the Conn=nothing
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