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Katalon - recording playback error problem


Recently installed katalon, using web record, click on the record finished recording, click on the run all step, error Unable to set the text, paste error message below,
The 2021-02-10 00:42:29. 819 WARN C.K.K.C ore. Testobject. ObjectRepository - the Test object with id 'object Repository/Page_ input__username' does not exist
The 2021-02-10 00:42:29. 843 WARN C.K.K.C ore. Testobject. ObjectRepository - the Test object with id 'object Repository/' does not exist
The 2021-02-10 00:42:30. 727 ERROR C.K.K.C ore. Keyword. Internal. KeywordMain -? Unable to set the text (Root cause: com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Exception. StepFailedException: Unable to set the text
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. Internal. WebUIKeywordMain. StepFailed (WebUIKeywordMain. Groovy: 64)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. Internal. WebUIKeywordMain. RunKeyword (WebUIKeywordMain. Groovy: 26)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. Builtin. SetTextKeyword. SetText (SetTextKeyword. Groovy: 66)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. Builtin. SetTextKeyword. Execute (37) SetTextKeyword. Groovy:
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Keyword. Internal. KeywordExecutor. ExecuteKeywordForPlatform (KeywordExecutor. Groovy: 73)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. WebUiBuiltInKeywords. SetText (WebUiBuiltInKeywords. Groovy: 979)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. WebUiBuiltInKeywords $setText $1. The call (Unknown Source)
The at WSVerification1612888947748. Run (WSVerification1612888947748:23)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. A ScriptEngine. Run (194). A ScriptEngine Java:
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. A ScriptEngine. RunScriptAsRawText (119). A ScriptEngine Java:
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. WSVerificationExecutor. The runScript (WSVerificationExecutor. Java: 178)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. WSVerificationExecutor. The doExecute (WSVerificationExecutor. Java: 172)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. WSVerificationExecutor. ProcessExecutionPhase (WSVerificationExecutor. Java: 155)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. WSVerificationExecutor. AccessMainPhase (WSVerificationExecutor. Java: 147)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. WSVerificationExecutor. Execute (WSVerificationExecutor. Java: 129)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. TestCaseMain. RunWSVerificationScript (TestCaseMain. Java: 127)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. TestCaseMain $runWSVerificationScript $0. Call (Unknown Source)
The at TempTestCase1612888944561. Run (TempTestCase1612888944561. Groovy: 25)
Under Caused by: Java. Lang. IllegalArgumentException: the Object is null
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Helper. KeywordHelper. CheckTestObjectParameter (KeywordHelper. Java: 33)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. The builtin. SetTextKeyword $_setText_closure1. DoCall (SetTextKeyword. Groovy: 45)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. The builtin. SetTextKeyword $_setText_closure1. Call (SetTextKeyword. Groovy)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. Internal. WebUIKeywordMain. RunKeyword (20) WebUIKeywordMain. Groovy:
. 16 more
The 2021-02-10 00:42:30. 741 ERROR C.K.K.C ore. The main. WSVerificationExecutor -? Verification FAILED.
Com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Exception. StepFailedException: Unable to set the text
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. Internal. WebUIKeywordMain. StepFailed (WebUIKeywordMain. Groovy: 64)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. Internal. WebUIKeywordMain. RunKeyword (WebUIKeywordMain. Groovy: 26)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. Builtin. SetTextKeyword. SetText (SetTextKeyword. Groovy: 66)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. Builtin. SetTextKeyword. Execute (37) SetTextKeyword. Groovy:
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Keyword. Internal. KeywordExecutor. ExecuteKeywordForPlatform (KeywordExecutor. Groovy: 73)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. WebUiBuiltInKeywords. SetText (WebUiBuiltInKeywords. Groovy: 979)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Webui. Keyword. WebUiBuiltInKeywords $setText $1. The call (Unknown Source)
The at WSVerification1612888947748. Run (WSVerification1612888947748:23)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. A ScriptEngine. Run (194). A ScriptEngine Java:
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. A ScriptEngine. RunScriptAsRawText (119). A ScriptEngine Java:
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. WSVerificationExecutor. The runScript (WSVerificationExecutor. Java: 178)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. WSVerificationExecutor. The doExecute (WSVerificationExecutor. Java: 172)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. WSVerificationExecutor. ProcessExecutionPhase (WSVerificationExecutor. Java: 155)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. WSVerificationExecutor. AccessMainPhase (WSVerificationExecutor. Java: 147)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. WSVerificationExecutor. Execute (WSVerificationExecutor. Java: 129)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. TestCaseMain. RunWSVerificationScript (TestCaseMain. Java: 127)
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Main. TestCaseMain $runWSVerificationScript $0. Call (Unknown Source)
The at TempTestCase1612888944561. Run (TempTestCase1612888944561. Groovy: 25)
Under Caused by: Java. Lang. IllegalArgumentException: the Object is null
At com. KMS. Katalon. Core. Helper. KeywordHelper. CheckTestObjectParameter (KeywordHelper. Java: 33)
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