Home > front end >  Please the teacher teach! By the iis 6 upgrade to IIS10 for global. Asa file didn't do what els
Please the teacher teach! By the iis 6 upgrade to IIS10 for global. Asa file didn't do what els


The following is the original, this part before the iis 6 system operation is normal, but is cannot be started after the system upgrade, the specific reason?
Asp start the parent path, enable 32 support, web directory and temp setting properties fully control, are set up good,
But the global. The asa file runs to data read is unable to run here, please advice!

The METADATA TYPE="typelib" File="c: \ program files \ common files \ system \ ado \ msado15 DLL"
- & gt;
<script LANGUAGE=VBScript RUNAT=Server>

Sub Application_OnStart
'here is a parameter setting area, site of some of the variables used in the numerical set in the
Application (" _StartDate ")="2019-12-12"
Application (" _EndDate ")="2021-12-31"
Application (" _StartTime ")=Now ()

Application (" _OnLine ")=0 'initialize the number of online
Application (" _OnTotal ")=0 'initialize the starting number

Application (" _DBclass ")=1 'set up the database type, 0 for SQL server, 1 for Access
Application (" _Conn1 ")="Provider=Microsoft. Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0; Data Source="& amp; Server. MapPath (" \ DB \ DB1 asp ")
Application (" _Conn2 ")="Provider=Microsoft. Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0; Data Source="& amp; Server. MapPath (" \ DB \ DB2 asp ")

'the database link is established, and set skip continue
when you make a mistakeOn the Error Resume Next: Err. Clear
Set the Conn=Server. CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
Conn. STR=Application (" _Conn1 ")
Conn. Open Conn. STR

'read already registered
the number of total accessThe set rs16=server. Createobject (" adodb. You ")
Sql16="select * from top 1 OnLine order by ID DESC"
Rs16. Open sql16, conn, 1, 1
While not rs16. Eof
Application. The Lock ()
Application (" _OnTotal ")=rs16 (" OnTotal ")
Application. UnLock ()
Rs16. MoveNext
Rs16. Close: set rs16=nothing

'close the database link and end
Conn. Close: set the Conn=nothing
End Sub

Sub Application_OnEnd
End Sub

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