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The jquery ajax increase headers return status after 404


//the jQuery post method
The function scPostExt (url, data, the callback, async, type, dataType) {
if (! Type) {
if (! DataType) {

if (! Async | | async==null | | typeof (async)=="undefined") {

$. Ajax ({
Url: globalData apiUrl + url,
Type: type,
DataType: dataType,
Data: data,
Async: async,
Headers: {
'token', '3333333'
Success: callback,
Error: function (XHR, textStatus errorThrown) {
The console. The log (" enter the error - ");
The console. The log (" status code: "+ XHR. Status);
The console. The log (" : "+ XHR. ReadyState);//the current state, 0 - an uninitialized, 1 - loading, 2 - has been loaded, 3 - data interaction, 4 -,
The console. The log (" error message: "+ XHR. StatusText);
The console. The log (" returns a response message: "+ XHR. The responseText);//here is the detailed information
The console. The log (" state of the request: "+ textStatus);
The console. The log (errorThrown);
The console. The log (" attempt failed ");

Status code: 404
Error message: error
Returns a response message: undefined

After deleting headers can normal request
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