Home > front end >  Excuse me each great god, asp new line of data, how to ID value written to the other at the same tim
Excuse me each great god, asp new line of data, how to ID value written to the other at the same tim


 & lt; % if the request (" action ")=1 then 
Set the rs=server. CreateObject (" adodb. You ")
SQL="select * from xiangmu"
Rs. The open SQL, conn, 3, 2
Rs. Addnew
Rs (" name ")=trim (request (" name "))
Rs (" jianjie ")=trim (request (" jianjie "))
Rs (" username ")=trim (request (" username "))
Rs (" usertime ")=now ()
Rs. Update
Rs. Movelast
Rs. Close

Consult everybody a great god, and this is a new page of information, as above, I need to manually enter the name, jianjie, username and then uploaded to the database, the database will automatically produce a ID, such as 108, how will the 108, synchronous writes to the same table of another field? Such as is bianhao fields, hope everyone a great god directions

Add that the database is ACCESS
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