& lt; % if the request (" action ")=1 then
Set the rs=server. CreateObject (" adodb. You ")
SQL="select * from xiangmu"
Rs. The open SQL, conn, 3, 2
Rs. Addnew
Rs (" name ")=trim (request (" name "))
Rs (" jianjie ")=trim (request (" jianjie "))
Rs (" username ")=trim (request (" username "))
Rs (" usertime ")=now ()
Rs. Update
Rs. Movelast
Rs. Close
Consult everybody a great god, and this is a new page of information, as above, I need to manually enter the name, jianjie, username and then uploaded to the database, the database will automatically produce a ID, such as 108, how will the 108, synchronous writes to the same table of another field? Such as is bianhao fields, hope everyone a great god directions
Add that the database is ACCESS