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Use JavaScript to connect to the database can perform local connection and query, released on IIS co


Use JavaScript to connect to the database can perform local connection and query, release to the IIS can't connection, the database on the server, the code is as follows,
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" & gt;
Var objdbConn=new ActiveXObject (" ADODB. Connection ");
Var STRDSN="Driver={SQL Server}; SERVER=(local); UID=sa; The PWD=111111; The DATABASE=hljdatabase ";
ObjdbConn. Open (STRDSN);
Document. Write (" database connection success & lt; Br>" );
ObjdbConn. Close ();
//- & gt;
Is this piece of JavaScript can't run on IIS, still need to set the permissions, or set up wrong, where the other set, do not need to consider security, only requires the feasibility,
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