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Asp only take regular expressions matching the value of letters or Numbers, or Chinese how to take?


For asp regular expressions, not familiar to existing a string, as follows:

TestStr="lx_name u8282 u4E00 u7B2C=% % % % % 20% u4F1A u8BA1 u80FD u804C u3001 u5FF5 u6982 % % % % % % % u548C u76EE u7AE0 u4E00 u7B2C % % % % u6807%28% 20% u8FF0 u6982 u8BA1 u4F1A % % % % 29 & amp; Subject_id=44 & amp; Know_id=15222 & amp; Id=0 & amp; Num=33 & amp; Use_time=0 & amp; Exam_id=44 & amp; Agency_id=0 & amp; Status=1 & amp; Right_num=2 & amp; Data [0] [answer]=13 & amp; Data [0] [correct]=1 & amp; Data [0] [pid]=0 & amp; Data [0] [item_id]=1 & amp; Data [0] [type]=1 & amp; Data [0] [agency_id]=0 & amp; Data [1] [answer]=24 & amp; Data [1] [correct]=0 & amp; Data [1] [pid]=0 & amp; Data [1] [item_id]=2 & amp; Data [1] [type]=1 & amp; Data [1] [agency_id]=0 & amp; Data [2] [answer]=31 & amp; Data [2] [correct]=1 & amp; Data [2] [pid]=0 & amp; Data [2] [item_id]=3 & amp; Data [2] [type]=1 & amp; Data [2] [agency_id]=0 "

The parameter lx_name back into Chinese, I now want to use regular expressions to write a function that that any one parameter values , including the inside of the similar data array value [0] [type]=1 or data [1] [type]=1 or data [2] [type]=value of 2 ~
For example: I want to get the following parameter values,
Response. Write "title:" & amp; GetValue (testStr, "lx_name") & amp;"
Response. Write "paper ID:" & amp; GetValue (testStr, "exam_id") & amp;"
Response. Write "time of use:" & amp; GetValue (testStr, "use_time") & amp;"
Response. Write "the total number of questions:" & amp; GetValue (testStr, "num") & amp;"
Response. Write "whether it is right:" & amp; GetValue (testStr, "data [2] [correct]") & amp;"

Regular expressions, as follows:
The function GetValue (STR, u)
The Set re=New RegExp
re. The Pattern="" & amp; U&"=[" "]? (\ [/w] +) [^ & gt;] * "'//matches only digital num=33 expression
Re. Global=True 'search string matching for full text rather than just a
Re the IgnoreCase=True 'ignore case
Re. MultiLine=True

The Set matches=re. The Execute (STR)

If matches. Count> 0 then
GetValue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/matches (0). SubMatches (0)
End the if
End the function

But the result of the final output, can match the diagram below, the parameter "lx_name", there is a similar "data [2] [correct]" such an array of values, always can't get (my red line draw useful, is not value), what reason be? Who can help me, write a regular expression, right points to you ~

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