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Echarts adaptive


Somebody in such a situation? Echarts full screen size of adaptive, but when to exit full screen is not adaptive size
The first picture is just after the refresh, the second is to exit full screen, the last one is full screen, the code in the last

 & lt; Template> 

The import echarts from 'echarts'
Export the default {
Name: "public",
Data () {
Return {}
Mounted () {enclosing the Histogram ()},
Methods: {
The Histogram () {

Const option={
Tooltip: {
The trigger: 'axis',
AxisPointer: {//axis indicator, axis trigger effective
Type: 'shadow'//default is linear, optional for: 'the line' | 'shadow'
The grid: {
Left: '3%',
Right: '4%',
Bottom: '3%',
ContainLabel: true
XAxis: [
Type: 'category',
Data: [' quality courts', 'health courts',' stay potentialities and courts', 'to optimize the courts'],
AxisTick: {
AlignWithLabel: true
//set the font color coordinate system and the width
AxisLine: {//it is x axis text color
Graphics.linestyle: {
Color: # FFF,
YAxis: [
Type: 'value',
Min: 0,
Interval: 50,
//splitArea: {show: false},//remove the grid area
//remove the grid lines
SplitLine: {
Graphics.linestyle: {
Color: gray,
Type: 'dashed'
//set the font color coordinate system and the width
AxisLine: {//this is y text color
Graphics.linestyle: {
Color: # FFF,
Series: [
Name: 'number'
Type: 'bar',
BarWidth: '60%',
Data: [10, 52, 200, 334],
ItemStyle: {
Normal: {
Color: function (params) {
Var colorList=[
'# 80 FFFF', '# 8080 ff', '# 70 b603', '# 63 f3ae'
Return colorList [params dataIndex]
Label: {
Show: true,//open display
Position: 'top',//in the above shows that
TextStyle: {//numerical style
Color: white,
FontSize: 16
Const loadChart=echarts. Init (document. GetElementById (" Histogram "));
LoadChart. SetOption (option);
Window. The onresize=loadChart. Resize;

/* $(window). The resize (function () {//it is the ability to let chart adaptive code
LoadChart. The resize ();
}); */


CodePudding user response:

Suggestions can monitor the window scaling onresize event, then redraw
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