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Vue program, failed to get Authorization headers


Mainly handling user exit the logic of the logout

back-end controller layer
Set a @ RequiresAuthentication annotations

@ RequiresAuthentication
@ GetMapping ("/logout ")
Public Result logout () {
System. The out. Println (" logout ");
The SecurityUtils. GetSubject (). Logout ();
Return the Result. Success (" withdrawn ", null);

front-end code
Vue part
 & lt; Div & gt; 
The current user: {{username}} & lt;/span> & Emsp; & Emsp; & Emsp;

The vue & lt; script> Part of the
 the methods: {
Logout () {
Const _this=this
This $axios. Get ("/logout ", {
Headers: {
"Authorization" : localStorage. The getItem (" token ")
}). Then ((res)=& gt; {
_this $store.com MIT (' REMOVE_INFO)
_this. $router. Push ('/')

Problems occur in the following this line

 "Authorization" : localStorage. The getItem (" token ") 

I don't know why "Authorization" cannot get correct value

Have tried:
1. Change Authorization to Authorization, no;
2. Remove the quotes, direct
 Authorization: localStorage. The getItem (" token ") 
the same error
3. Change to any variable names, such as aaa
 "aaa" : localStorage. The getItem (" token ") 
the browser console is not an error, but the controller of the background layer logout () is not trigger, because there is no access Authorization to

The question now is what causes Authorization cannot get ?

PS: my another project is normal, the same code, but now this doesn't work

CodePudding user response:

After a successful login token didn't exist localStorage is not natural

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