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Several problems about drag and drop event code


When the drag and drop event saw the example, and then there are two questions want to consult everybody,. The first is the event target. Id, because online see setData () said the second parameter is added to the drag of the object data, but I feel to add not should be "dragging me!" . Why this a few characters, this is the event target. Id, this should be how to understand it, and then the second problem is that the function drop (event) in the event. The preventDefault (), its purpose should be to the end of the task, try breaking it found that does not affect the drag results after deletion,
this is the reason why?

The droptarget {
float: left;
Width: 100 px;
Height: 35 px;
Margin: 15 px;
Padding: 10 px;
Border: # 1 px solid aaaaaa;

Drag back and forth in the two rectangular box p element: & lt;/p>

Note: & lt;/strong> Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions of Internet Explorer or Safari 5.1 and earlier versions of the browser does not support drag events, & lt;/p>

The function dragStart (event) {
Event. The dataTransfer. SetData (" Text ", the event. The target. The id);
Document. The getElementById (" demo "). The innerHTML="began to drag the p element";

The function allowDrop (event) {
Event. The preventDefault ();
The function drop (event) {
Event. The preventDefault ();
Var data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/event.dataTransfer.getData (" Text ");
Event. The target. The appendChild (document. GetElementById (data));
Document. The getElementById (" demo "). The innerHTML="p element has been drag";

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