Home > front end >  How to send verification code at the same time, to the user to the administrator to send QQ email.
How to send verification code at the same time, to the user to the administrator to send QQ email.


to send. PHP submit the mobile users, how to realize the user's mobile is submitted to the mail. The PHP send email to the administrator, ask teachers to help write

 & lt; Input the id="mobile" type="tel" placeholder="phone number" value="" & gt; 

 $(function () {
Var InterValObj;//timer variables, control time
Var count=60;//interval function, 1 second to perform
Var curCount;//the number of seconds remaining
$(' # btnCheckCode). Click (function () {
If ($(" # mobile "). The val ()=="") {
Tankuang (240, "please enter your mobile phone number");
return false;
if(! $(" # mobile "). Val () the match (/^ 1 [3 4 5 6 7 | | | | | | 8, 9] {1} [0-9] {9} $/)) {
Tankuang (240, "mobile phone number format is not correct! Please input again!" );
return false;

Var captcha1=new TencentCaptcha (' 211222204 ', function (res) {
If (res. Ret===0) {
Mobile=$var. Trim ($(" # mobile "). Val ());
//save tbl_smsCode, and send SMS
GenerateCode (mobile);

Captcha1. The show ();//display verification code
//send the phone to the background, the verification code
Var generateCode=function (mobile, verify) {
Var args={
Mobile: mobile,
Verify: verify,
$.post (' send. PHP, args, function (result) {
If (result. The status==0) {
Tankuang (240, "success");
//60 s bottom
$(" # btnCheckCode "). Attr (" disabled ", "true");
$(" # btnCheckCode "). The addClass (" button - light ");
$(" # btnCheckCode "). The HTML (curCount + "& amp; nbsp; S ");
InterValObj window.=setInterval (SetRemainTime, 1000);//start the timer, 1 second to perform a
The else {
Tankuang (200, "fails, please contact us to verify");
}, "json");
//timer handler
Var SetRemainTime=function () {
If (curCount==0) {
Window. ClearInterval (InterValObj);//stop the timer
$(" # btnCheckCode "). RemoveAttr (" disabled ");//enable button
$(" # btnCheckCode "). RemoveClass (" button - light ");
$(" # btnCheckCode "). The HTML (" get verification code ");
The else {
CurCount -;
$(" # btnCheckCode "). The HTML (curCount + "& amp; nbsp; S ");
The function tankuang (pWidth, content, url)
$(" # MSG "). The remove ();
Var HTML='& lt; Div id="MSG" style="position: fixed; Top: 50%; width:100%; Height: 30 px; The line - height: 30 px; Margin - top: 15 px; Z - index, 9999;">

'+ content + & lt;/p>

$(" body "), append (HTML);
Var t=setTimeout (next, 4000);
The function next ()
$(" # MSG "). The remove ();
If (url! Undefined)={
Window. The location. Href=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/url;
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