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BuildMachineOSBuild 20 c69 & lt;/string> CFBundleDevelopmentRegion Zh_CN & lt;/string> CFBundleDisplayName Calculator & lt;/string> CFBundleExecutable SuperCalculator CFBundleIcons CFBundlePrimaryIcon CFBundleIconFiles AppIcon60x60 & lt;/string> CFBundleIconName AppIcon CFBundleIcons ~ ipad CFBundlePrimaryIcon CFBundleIconFiles AppIcon60x60 & lt;/string> AppIcon76x76 & lt;/string> CFBundleIconName AppIcon CFBundleIdentifier Com. Tools. SuperCalculator CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 & lt;/string> CFBundleName SuperCalculator CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleShortVersionString 5.0.7 & lt;/string> CFBundleSupportedPlatforms IPhoneOS CFBundleURLTypes CFBundleTypeRole Editor CFBundleURLSchemes Tencent1109630677 & lt;/string> CFBundleTypeRole Editor CFBundleURLSchemes Wx8e774b2788c64b4d & lt;/string> CFBundleVersion 1 DTAppStoreToolsBuild 12 d4d & lt;/string> DTCompiler Com.apple.com pilers. LLVM. Clang. 1 _0 & lt;/string> DTPlatformBuild 18 c61 & lt;/string> DTPlatformName Iphoneos DTPlatformVersion 14.3 & lt;/string> DTSDKBuild 18 c61 & lt;/string> DTSDKName Iphoneos14.3 & lt;/string> DTXcode 1230 & lt;/string> DTXcodeBuild 12 c 33 & lt;/string> ITSDRMScheme V2 & lt;/string> LSApplicationQueriesSchemes Wechat Weixin MqqOpensdkSSoLogin MqqopensdkapiV2 & lt;/string> MqqopensdkapiV3 & lt;/string> Wtloginmqq2 & lt;/string> Mqq Mqqapi Timapi Mqqopensdkminiapp LSRequiresIPhoneOS 1 MOBAppKey 2 c325f0f52faa & lt;/string> MOBAppSecret D7efa119c5544fefcd7ddc4fc1e05dab & lt;/string> MinimumOSVersion 13.0 & lt;/string> NSAppTransportSecurity NSAllowsArbitraryLoads 1 NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription Please allow the App to use photo album & lt;/string> UIAppFonts Micross. Ttf UIDeviceFamily 1 2 & lt;/string> UILaunchStoryboardName LaunchScreen UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities Arm64 & lt;/string> UIRequiresFullScreen 1 UIStatusBarHidden 1 UISupportedDevices IPhone10, 2 & lt;/string> IPhone10, 3 & lt;/string> IPhone10, 5 & lt;/string> IPhone10, 6 & lt;/string> IPhone11, 2 & lt;/string> IPhone11, 4 & lt;/string> IPhone11, 6 & lt;/string> IPhone12, 3 & lt;/string> IPhone12, 5 & lt;/string> nullnull
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