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After landing a blank background can't jump


<meta HTTP - equiv="content-type" Content="text/HTML. Charset=gb2312 "& gt; After this line to remove normal,
Show a blank, if the code is gb2312 to utf-8 errors, newspaper is not the end of the string constants
It's not know what reason be?
Hope the teachers give directions, thank you very much!
<meta HTTP - equiv="content-type" Content="text/HTML. Charset=gb2312 "& gt;
If the trim (request (" OK ")="1" then
The Response. Cookies (" Fzwlt ") (" strUsername ")=Trim (request (" username "))
The Response. Cookies (" Fzwlt ") (" strPassword ")=trim (request (" password "))
The Response. Cookies (" Fzwlt ") (" OKCookie ")=trim (request (" OK "))
'Response. Cookies (" Fzwlt ") expires=date + 365
Response. Cookies (" Fzwlt "). The Expires=DateAdd (" y ", 30, Now ())
% & gt;
Dim DBC, RsLoginObj RsLogObj
Dim the UserName, UserPass, VerifyCode, System, SqlLog, SqlLogin, Url
Url=Request (" UrlAddress ")
If Url="" then
Url="Fzwlt_MainFrame. Asp"
End the if
'the Response. The Write (Url)
'the Response. The End

UserName=Replace (Trim (Request Form (" UserName ")), "'", "" '")
UserPass1=CfsEnCode (Replace (Trim (Request Form (" Password ")), "'", "" '"))
VerifyCode=Replace (Trim (Request (" VerifyCode ")), "'", "")
UserPass=md5 (UserPass1)
If the UserName="or" UserPass="" then
The Response. Redirect (" Fzwlt_Errorp. Asp? ErrDescription=user name and password cannot be empty!" )
The Response. The End
End the if

If Instr (request form (" UserName "), "=") & gt; 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), "%") & gt; 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), CRH (32)) & gt; 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), "?" ) & gt; 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), "& amp;" ) & gt; 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), ";" ) & gt; 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), ", ") & gt; 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), "'") & gt; 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), ", ") & gt; 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), CRH (34)) & gt; 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), CRH (9)) & gt; 0 or Instr(request.form("UserName"),"")> 0 or Instr (request form (" UserName "), "$") & gt; 0 then
Response. Write "& lt; script> Alert (' error message! \ n \ n the user name or password cannot be illegal characters! Click ok to return to re-enter! '); Javascript: history. Go (1); </script>"
The response. The End ()
End the if

If VerifyCode & lt;> Then GetCode CStr (Session (" "))
Response. Write "& lt; script> Alert (' error message! \ n \ n verification code error! Click ok to return to re-enter! '); Javascript: history. Go (1); </script>"
The Response. The End
End the if
If the request (" verifycode ")="" then
Response. Write "& lt; script> Alert (' error message! \ n \ n please enter the verification code! Click ok to return to re-enter! '); Javascript: history. Go (1); </script>"
The Response. The End
GetCode elseif Session (" ")="9999" then
The Session (" GetCode ")=""
Elseif Session (" GetCode ")="" then
Response. Write "& lt; script> Alert (' error message! Don't repeat submit \ n \ n please! Click ok to return to re-enter! '); Javascript: history. Go (1); </script>"
The Response. The End
Elseif CSTR (Session (" GetCode ")) & lt;> CSTR (trim (request (" verifycode "))) then
Response. Write "& lt; script> Alert (' error message! \ n \ n you enter the verification code and the system to produce inconsistent! Click ok to return to re-enter! '); Javascript: history. Go (1); </script>"
The Response. The End
End the if
The Session (" GetCode ")=""
The set RsLoginObj=server. CreateObject (" ADODB. You ")
SqlLogin="select * from Fzwlt_Admin where UserName='" & amp; UserName&" 'and password=' "& amp; UserPass&" '
"RsLoginObj. Open SqlLogin, Conn, 1, 1
The Session (" Fzwlt_flag ")=RsLoginObj (" Fzwlt_flag ")
The Session (" loginnos ")=RsLoginObj (" loginnos ")
The Session (" loginip ")=RsLoginObj (" loginip ")
The Session (" Csny ")=RsLoginObj (" Csny ")
Conn. Execute (" Update [Fzwlt_Admin] Set Csny='" & amp; Now () & amp;" ', loginnos=loginnos + 1, loginip='" & amp; Request. ServerVariables (" REMOTE_ADDR ") & amp;" 'Where the UserName=' "& amp; UserName&" '
System=Request. ServerVariables (" HTTP_USER_AGENT ")
If Instr (System, "Windows NT 5.0") then
Elseif Instr (System, "Windows NT 5.2") then
Elseif Instr (System, "Windows NT 5.1") then
Elseif Instr (System, "Windows NT") then
Elseif Instr (System, "Windows 9") then
Elseif Instr (System, "Unix") or Instr (System, "Linux") or Instr (System, "SunOS") or Instr (System, "the BSD") then
Elseif Instr (System, the "Mac") then
The else
End the if

If Not RsLoginObj. EOF then
If RsLoginObj (" Lock ")=1 then
Response. Write "& lt; script> Alert (' error message! \ n \ n your account has been locked or the right to enter! \ n \ n click ok to return! '); Javascript: history. Go (1); </script>"
The Response. The End
End the if
The Session (" UserName ")=UserName
The Session (" PassWord ")=UserPass
The Session (" AdminID ")=RsLoginObj (" AdminID ")
The Response. Cookies (" Foosun ") (" UserName ")=UserName
The Response. Cookies (" Foosun ") (" Password ")=UserPass
The Set RsLogObj=Server. Createobject (" adodb. You ")
SqlLog="select * from Fzwlt_Log"
RsLogObj. Open SqlLog, Conn, 3, 3
RsLogObj. Addnew
LogUser RsLogObj (" ")=UserName
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