The project
The components
I jsconfig json is
"CompilerOptions" : {
"The module", "commonjs",
"Target" : "es2017,"
"JSX" : "react",
"AllowSyntheticDefaultImports" : true,
"BaseUrl" : "./components ",
"Paths" : {
"@/*" : [" app/* "]
"Exclude" : [" node_modules ", "dist", "next", "cache" and "bundles", "out"],
"Include" : [
"Build/* */*",
"Server/* */*",
"E2e/* */*",
"Pages//* * *,"
"/SRC/* * *,"
"Stories//* * *"
I a in the app directory index js so reference components under the control of
import ScrollToTop from "components/ScrollToTop";
If this is the written can
The import ScrollToTop from "./components/ScrollToTop ";
To ask what should I write, I also installed the path - intellisense plug-in, discovery also futile
"path - intellisense. The mappings" : {
"@" : "${workspaceRoot}/*"
CodePudding user response:
import ScrollToTop from "components/ScrollToTop";
I hope the above method and under the CTRL + click to jump to the source code files, now is not,
CodePudding user response:
Should be solved, jsconfig. Json just write like this, for your reference{
"CompilerOptions" : {
"BaseUrl" : ". "
"Paths" : {
"*" : ["./app/* "]