Home > front end >  Vite2 Electron12 high copy trill short video | electron - vant3 small video | live applications
Vite2 Electron12 high copy trill short video | electron - vant3 small video | live applications


With vue3 and vite, js, integrate vite2 + electron cross-platform program is very popular among developers,
Integrated vite2 + electron12.0 + vant3. X + swiper6.5 + v3popup technologies such as generic trill desktop across end short video ElectronDouYin,

Project USES have praised vant3 component library and swiper components to realize the short video and slide transitions,

Support vue3 custom window pops and electron new two pop-up window mode,

Electron + Vue3 | create more windowed father-son modal window

Vite2 + electron implements a custom drag and drop the navigation bar + tray

Vue3.0 + electron custom + system tray icon at the top of the navigation

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