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Use js cyberplayer players pause control


Even if want to by button now players suspended and fast forward, the HTML code is as follows, how should write to achieve

The function cyplayer (name, event_0 event_1, event_2, event_3, event_4, event_5, event_6, event_7, event_8, event_9, event_10) {
//the name said components in is created, the name of the event said components have event
//if there are multiple event components, can continue to fill in behind these events name
//such as: the function flexibly ckplayer (name, event1 event2, event3) {

//internal component attributes, only for the use of components:

Var pw=document. DocumentElement. ClientWidth;
Var ph=document. DocumentElement. ClientHeight;
Document. The getElementById (enclosing the name). Style. The width="100%";
Document. The getElementById (enclosing the name). Style, height="100%";

Var player=this. The name + "player".
Var zjId=this. The name;
//component event global variable
Var vpsta;//play/pause state
Var VPFSC;//full/not full screen state
//component command:
This. Initialization player=function (video address, address the cover, the default volume, width, height, whether looping, whether it is live, default jump time, logo) {
Var player=cyberplayer (" playercontainer "). The setup ({
Width: the width,
Height: height,
Title: "FLV on demand,"
File: video address,//HLS broadcast address (x must support cross-domain access, or to set up the primary parameters)
Image: "http://cyberplayer.bcelive.com/thumbnail.jpg",//video capture
Autostart: true,
Stretching, "uniform",
Repeat: true,
Volume: 100,
Controls: true,
Starttime: 0,
//primary: "flash",//forced to use flash to play, do not set the default yields using H5 play
Ak: "43 c1d7cb02114edeab2e093fbcf0214d
Player, play ();
E4a. JsAndroid (" at the end of the initialization ")
Play this.=function () {
Player, play ();
E4a. JsAndroid (" is ")
This. Suspend=function () {
Player. Pause ();
E4a. JsAndroid (" person ")
This. Jump video=function () {
Player. Seek (10);
E4a. JsAndroid (" fast forward 10 seconds ")

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