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AJAX get less than value


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Data shown here

Var XHR=new window. The XMLHttpRequest ();

The function the sendRequest () {
XHR. Onreadystatechange=function () {

If (XHR. ReadyState==4) {
If (XHR. Status==200) {
Document. The getElementById (" Creadit "). The innerHTML=XHR. The responseText;

Var name=document. GetElementById (" name1 "). The value;
XHR. Open (" POST ", "Handler1. Ashx", true);

XHR. SetRequestHeader (" ContentType ", "application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded");
XHR. Send (" username "+ name);



Background: the string name=context. The Request (" name "),

The context. The Response. The Write (" Hello World "+ name);

Name is NULL but XHR. Send a data if add a coding have worked with JQuery is ok but not the native, but add code is can again
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  • Ajax
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