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What do you mean the CSHTML? What technology? What principle? How to play?


I do not know the CSHTML, here also have no CSHTML plate, it is said that the associated with asp some, can send here,,,
The thing is, a set of system, the address bar format is similar to the Identity=35 bfb8b7 af - e6ed42f781 A39C - 82-3624-69
This is a query page, select the corresponding condition, click the query button can input the query results, in which the identity is different, is not the same query page,

I found in the oracle database and a few tables, punctuated with the identity value, and the corresponding contents, including the query type, the template js, sleep and complete the fields of the unknown template, such as SQL, content is unknown, my level is limited, do not understand how this is the work? I want to know what is this principle in particular, how to see the corresponding query?
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