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JQuery event


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Development tools and key technology: Visual Studio 2015 & amp; & JQuery

Author: WeiYongGui

Time to write:
May 05, 2020
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

One, the jQuery page load event


$(function () {

//write your code here...

}); Or

The $(document). Ready (function () {

//write your code here...


Second, mouse events in the jQuery

1, click [the mouse click event]

$(" box "). Click (function () {

Alert (" this is a trigger when the mouse click click () event ")


2, dblclick events] [mouse click

$(" box "). The dblclick (function () {

Alert (" this is a trigger when the double-click the dblclick () event ")


3, the mousedown [is pressed on the mouse moves to an element when trigger events]

$(" box "). The mousedown (function () {

Alert (" this is a triggered when the mouse is pressed mousedown () event ");


4, mouseup [when the mouse button on the element relaxation trigger events]

$(" box "). Mouseup (function () {

Alert (" this is a triggered when the mouse button on the element relaxation mouseup () event ");


5, mouseenter [when the mouse pointer across the element trigger events]

$(" box "). Mouseenter (function () {

The console. The log (" this is a triggered when the mouse pointer across the element mouseenter () event ");


6, the mouseleave [] when the mouse pointer left element trigger events

$(" box "). Mouseleave (function () {

The console. The log (" this is a triggered when the mouse pointer left elements mouseleave () event ");


"Mouseenter () events and mouseleave () event, most of the time will be used together]

7, mouseover [when the mouse pointer over the element trigger events]

$(" box "). Mouseover (function () {

The console. The log (" this is a trigger when the mouse pointer over the element mouseover () event ");


8, mouseout [when the mouse pointer from the diverse elements trigger events]

$(" box "). A mouseout (function () {

The console. The log (" this is a triggered when the mouse pointer from the diverse elements mouseout () event ");


[mouseover and mouseout () event (most of the time) will be used together]

Three, the jQuery form events

1, the focus () [trigger events when element gains focus]

$(". Wrapinput "). The focus (the function () {

The console. The log (" capturing the input has been the focus of ");


2, focusin () [trigger events when element gains focus]

$(" wrap "). Focusin (function () {

$(this). AddClass (" bgPink ");

The console. The log (" capturing the input has been the focus of ");


[focusin with focus events the difference is that focusin events could detect child elements get focus on the parent element of]

3, the blur () [] when the element loses focus trigger events

$(". Wrapinput "). The blur (function () {

The console. The log (" input has lost focus ");


4, focusout () [] when the element loses focus trigger events

$(" wrap "). Focusout (function () {

$(this). RemoveClass (" bgPink ");

The console. The log (" input has lost focus ");


[focusout events with the blur the difference is that focusout events could detect child elements in the parent element loses focus of]

5, change () [through the event can monitor & lt; input>, & lt; textarea> and & lt; select> element values change]

Input element [when the value value has changed, after losing focus change event triggered]

$(" forminput "). The change (function (event) {

The console. The log (value) event. Target.;


The select element [for the drop-down selection box, when a user using the mouse to make a choice, the incident triggered an immediate]

$(" form the select "). The change (function () {

Var value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/$(this). Val ();

The console. The log (value);


[multi-line text fields, textarea element when changed, after losing focus change event triggered]

$(" formtextarea "). The change (function () {

The console. The log (value) event. Target.;


Four, the keyboard events in jQuery

1, the keydown () [when the keyboard or button is pressed the trigger events]

$(" target1 "). The keydown (function (e) {

The console. The log (e. arget. Value);

$(" em "). The first (). The text (e. arget, value);


2, keyup () event [when the button is released triggering event]

$(". Target2 "). Keyup (function (e) {

The console. The log (e. arget. Value);

Em: $(" last "). The text (e. arget, value);


Five, the binding settlement tied events of jQuery

1, to bind a click event on way to elements

$(" # div1 ") on (" click ", function (e) {

$(this). The text (" triggered: "+ e. ype);


2, more than one event binding same function

$(" # div2 ") on (" mousedownmouseup ", function (e) {

$(this). The text (" triggered: "+ e. ype);


3, multiple event binding different function

$(" # div3 ") on ({

Mousedown: function () {

$(this). Attr (" class ", "bgGreen");


Mouseup: function () {

$(this). RemoveAttr (" class ");



4, binding two events

$(" elem ") on (" mousedownmouseup ", fn)

5, to delete an event

$(" elem ") off (" mousedown ")

6, delete all events

$(" elem ") off (" mousedownmouseup ")

7, shortcut to delete all events, there is no need to pass the event name, node binding on all events speak destroyed

$(" elem ") off ()

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