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The create slow Odoo HTTP request


Use HTTP requests to create a data server speed to 4 to 5 seconds and scripts on the local PC running speed as

Excuse me what reason be

 risks_id=config2 [' models'] execute_kw (config2 [' db '], config2 [' uid], config2 [' PWD '], 'tw. Base. Lift. Risk', 'create', [
{' R ': final_R,
'mid_order_ids: risk_order_val [' min_ids],
'lift_id: risk_order [' lift_id],
'end_time: usetime,
'create_time' : (datetime. Datetime. Strptime (time. Strftime (' % % Y - m - H: % d % % m: % S ', and time. The localtime (time. Time ())), '% % Y - m - H: % d % % m: % S') - a datetime. Timedelta (8) hours=). The strftime (" % % Y - m - H: % d % % m: % S ")

Is created in this step, change the server after the speed is slow, why is worthy of public IP, mid_order_ids is a large array of one-to-many

O great god answer
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