Home > front end >  [ECharts] histogram label values were pillars hides, how to deal with?
[ECharts] histogram label values were pillars hides, how to deal with?


As shown in figure, when numerical is longer, beyond the number of parts will be behind the pillars of the shade, I want to let the text displayed in the upper pillar, please expert advice, thank you,

CodePudding user response:

Right Numbers look at style, sure is blocked? Not be intercepted?

CodePudding user response:

How do I don't feel like watching was blocked, like precision numerical itself do the trade-off, is based on the premise that everyone is a pillar, why didn't in front of blue green block Numbers? you

CodePudding user response:

you find relevant information, this thing is there a default after the decimal point one?

CodePudding user response:

If is integer multibit, also blocked him, it is strange that can block number, the pillars of the right to the left of the block;
And there is no round, I set the position of the Label is inside;

CodePudding user response:

CodePudding user response:

The following is the code:
//bar chart module 1
(function () {
//1 instantiation objects
Var myChart=echarts. Init (document. QuerySelector (". Bar. The chart "));
//2. Specify the configuration items and data
Var option={
Color: [" blue ", "green", "red"],
Tooltip: {
The trigger, "axis",
AxisPointer: {
//axis indicator, axis trigger effective
Type: "shadow"//default is straight line, optional for: 'the line' | 'shadow'
Legend: {
Data: [' order tons', 'shipping tonnage', 'production'],
Received: 'horizontal',
Align: 'auto',
TextStyle: {
Color: 'yellow'
//modify the size of the chart
The grid: {
Left: "0%",
Top: "10 px",
Right: "0%",
Bottom: "4%",
ContainLabel: true
XAxis: [
Type: "category",
Data: [
"Big LvPai",
"The big copper platoon,"
Enclosed bus ", "
"High-end soft connection,"
"The financial sector,"
"Soft connection"
AxisTick: {
AlignWithLabel: true
//modify the calibration label related style
AxisLabel: {
Color: rgba (255255255, 6) ", "
FontSize: "10"
//don't show the style of the x axis
AxisLine: {
Show: false
YAxis: [
Type: "value",
//modify the calibration label related style
AxisLabel: {
Color: rgba (255255255, 6) ", "
FontSize: 12
//y axis line change to 2 pixels
AxisLine: {
Graphics.linestyle: {
Color: "rgba (255255255, 1),"
Width: 2
//y the color of the line
SplitLine: {
Graphics.linestyle: {
Color: "rgba (255255255, 1)"
Series: [
Name: "order tonnage,"
Type: "bar",
BarWidth: "20%",
Data: [920, 828, 64, 6, 35, 54, 1158, 1222],
ItemStyle: {
//modify the pillars round
BarBorderRadius: 5
Label: {
Show: true,
Position: 'top',
Color: white,
FontSize: 8,
Animation: true
Name: "shipping tonnage,"
Type: "bar",
BarWidth: "20%",
Data: [1051.888111222, 670.123456, 60, 6, 8, 44, 484, 1096],
ItemStyle: {
//modify the pillars round
BarBorderRadius: 5
Label: {
Show: true,
Position: 'inside',
Color: white,
FontSize: 8,
Animation: true
Name: "production",
Type: "bar",
BarWidth: "20%",
Data: [1009, 616, 75, 7, 8, 0, 435, 1052],
ItemStyle: {
//modify the pillars round
BarBorderRadius: 5
Label: {
Show: true,
Position: 'top',
Color: white,
FontSize: 8,
Animation: true
//3. The configuration items for instance objects
MyChart. SetOption (option);
//4. Let chart following screen automatically adapt to
Window. AddEventListener (" resize ", function () {
MyChart. The resize ();

CodePudding user response:

Modify the display text dom level z - index should be ok

CodePudding user response:

Online sample no problem, you get a new version

CodePudding user response:

reference 7 floor jio response:
modify the display text dom level z - index should be

I changed the Serias zlevel can implement a pillar of the priority, but if the low post priority number is too long and not so...

CodePudding user response:

Older versions can set the value of z, value shown in the above, but can only set series, can't set the label

CodePudding user response:

references to the tenth floor Hello World, response:
words of the old version can set the value of z, the value shown in the above, but can only set series, unable to set the label

If red pillars numerical value is also very long, will be covered?

CodePudding user response:

Suggest that with the new version, if optimized, according to the label will not block
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