Home > front end >  Configuration. How to refer to local excel data or js. Json file data
Configuration. How to refer to local excel data or js. Json file data


Recently in learning echarts do visualization, with case study on the net, your application has a problem: case is in online. Js file configuration data, text, etc., but his data is written death data, how can I refer to the local data (excel spreadsheet data or json file), try some way will cross domain problems, how to solve, no way,
Online to find, some people say that on the server, in what the server, if on the server, I do local. HTML documents to other people see is the same effect? New introduction to please, thank you very much,

Echarts project summary question: doing, configuration. How to refer to local excel data or js. Json file data, and do not cross domain problems

Example: the following data is written to death data, how to refer to their data to replace
Series: [
Name: "direct access",
Type: "bar",
BarWidth: "35%",
Data: [200, 300, 300, 900, 1500, 1200, 600],
ItemStyle: {
//modify the pillars round
BarBorderRadius: 5
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