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Huawei browser unable to identify the option disabled property


When doing development recently found that the same code in the use of huawei browser loaded, the page drop-down box should employ grey option cannot be ashes, mobile phone if you use another browser or use the same WeChat directly open the web page can be gray, excuse me everybody encountered such a problem?
Try to use a variety of ways in huawei mobile phone browser cannot buy saab options, the same is directly used in the option disabled cannot buy gray
 & lt; Select id="cartype" & gt; 


Use the following two lines of js cannot make the option to buy grey,

 document. GetElementById (" cartype "). The options [1]. The disabled="true"; 

$(" # cartype option [value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/saab] "), prop (" disabled ", true);

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