For bosses to give directions!!!!!
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta HTTP - equiv=X - UA - Compatible "content=" IE=edge, chrome="1"/& gt;
The canvas & lt;/title>
Var canvas=document. GetElementById (" canvas ");
var context=canvas.getContext("2d");
The context. BeginPath ();
# context. StrokeStyle="red";
Context. MoveTo (10, 10);
The context. The lineTo (200, 150);
The context. The stroke ();
The context. The closePath ();
The context. BeginPath ();
The context. StrokeStyle="red";
Context. MoveTo (10, 20);
The context. The lineTo (200, 160);
The context. The stroke ();
The context. The closePath ();
The context. Our lineWidth='10 px;
The context, lineCap='square';
The context. The lineJoin='bevel';
The context. The fillStyle="blue";
The context. The fill ();
Point with your heart